Monday, December 15, 2008

Lists... morphing into CVS spending.

Let me just say, I have become a firm believer in lists. Grocery lists, To Do lists, Menus, etc. (Maybe I should work on my "honey-do" list skills.) I have always been enthralled by the idea of people who make lists and then actually do the things on them. It is nice to be slowly joining their ranks. :) I have found that making a list before I go out or start a new day is so very helpful to me. Although, if I spend too much time making the list, I guess it kind of defeats the purpose. But hey, I'm learning. I made a grocery run last week without taking the time to make a list and it was a disaster! We have made a grocery budget (it's crazy how easy it can be to stay within your budget if you just pay attention to what you are doing) and have been doing pretty well with that. But, on that shopping trip, I came home with things that we didn't need and spent more than I had intended. Live and learn, I suppose.

I also love my CVS lists. Well, I guess I love CVS period. :) Yesterday my sweet husband let me stop on the way home from church and he kept the baby in the car... I got:

4 12 packs of Pepsi
2 Christphe Shampoos
3 Packs of Rolaids
2 Tubes of Colgate toothpaste
1 Travel pack of sanitizing wipes
1 Bayer Contour glucose meter (my mom said she wanted one)
2 Packs of Rolos for my hubby (I went negative and needed something to bring me up to actually owing the store money)
2 Sunday newspapers

I think that's everything. I'm going from memory. But, for all that stuff I only paid 36 cents. And I didn't "lose" any extra care bucks, meaning I came away with more than I started with. I had quite a few really good coupons to match with their sales, so I was excited. And, I was super excited about the Pepsi! Yay for that. Anyway, I guess I got a little off topic there, but I am pretty happy with that trip. I did have a list, but for CVS, having a list means also having plenty of substitutes for when they are out of things. Cause you can bet they will be out of things. It's quite rare that they actually have everything on my list.

Anyway, this was all brought on by me trying to make "Moving" lists and failing pretty miserably. It's been quite hard for us to decide what can be packed now and what needs to wait. I do need to go work on finishing up the bookshelf. I packed up all my breakables over the weekend and now need to finish up the books. I am looking forward starting fresh in a new to us home. I'm off to work on restoring order to the kitchen and doing some laundry before diving in to the packing.


GrammaMack said...

I'm late to the party, but..I love the name of your blog!

GrammaMack said...

Oh, and also your stated purpose!

jena said...

So when do you teach the rest of us how to shop at CVS and Walgreens? Soon right?